For a moment amongst the chaos the noise and the festivities I am stood there alone …

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Santa Pod Tribute

Back to that painting I was creating at Santa Pod.
Having put it aside for a week or so and making a conscious effort to not look at it during that time I was able to view it again with fresh eyes. And, taking on board the comments asking why there was nothing in the foreground, I was able to see it afresh.
It needed waking up!
It’s rather noisy now …

My inspiration came from every Lancaster flypast I’ve experienced at the Pod. It genuinely stirs my soul! For a moment amongst the chaos the noise and the festivities I am stood there alone in the reverence and awe of everything this means. The history of the place, the magnificent of this warbird and the joy of the festival brought to us by the freedom fought for by our forefathers.

A regular spectacle at Santa Pod’s nostalgic events is the low pass of the last flying Avro Lancaster (PA474) in the UK 

Prints are available here:

Santa Pod Tribute


I wanted to capture a Santa Pod Raceway in silence …

New Artwork, News, Shows, Stories

Santa Pod Flypast

Santa Pod flypast
Avro Lancaster low flypast over Santa Pod Raceway

My latest artwork, that made a big impression as I was painting it at Santa Pod in May this year,  is now available as a print.

I wanted to capture a Santa Pod Raceway in silence as the roar of magnificence dominates the scene and reflects the heroic history of the place.
What do you think?
A regular spectacle at Santa Pod’s nostalgic events is the low pass of the last flying Avro Lancaster (PA474) in the UK, a four-engined, Second World War era bomber operated by the Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight as a tribute to all members of Bomber Command during the Second World War and is one of only two Lancasters in flying condition in the world, the other being owned and flown by the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.
Prints available here …
… here’s a little update: