It’s Back To The Future Day!

October 21st being officially Back To The Future day what better time than now to introduce my new print… 

Back To The Future

October 21st being officially Back To The Future day what better time than now to introduce my new print release…

I’ve tried to capture the sequence of events in this dramatic scene that relies on pinpoint timing.
There’s a definite time-line, all be it a short moment, that you can physically follow from the bolt of lightning above the clock tower down through the Doc, up the lamppost and across the street into the car that’s heading for the empty space where it disappears.
I wanted to catch all those moments in one image. I’d like to think I’ve achieved that.

Prints are available unframed for Worldwide Shipping here:

Back To The Future

And also available Framed but for UK distribution only due to the weight and fragility of the frame and glass :

Back To The Future – framed

Author: Ian Guy

Ian Guy is among the foremost automotive artists in the UK with collectors of his art spread worldwide.

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